Make 10x Progress On Your Jumps And Spins

Become a better skater in just 4 weeks

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The perfect program tailored just for You
What is your skating goal?
Having a goal to aim towards helps you stay motivated
Improve jumps
Master spins
All of the above
What motivates you the most?
With the right motivation, you’re much more likely to reach your goals.
  • Progress & perfection
  • Winning
  • Personal best
  • Performance thrill
What is your jumping level?
Single jumps
Double Jumps
Double Axel
Triple Jumps
Rate Axel jump for you
Please choose between 1 and 5. Where 1 is Easy for you and 5 is Really hard
Would you like a jump expert to explain your jumping mistakes and provide helpful guidance?
Yes, I need to improve my jumps
I am okay
How challenging do you find the Biellmann?
Easy Very Hard
Which best describes you as a skater?
I want to see progress fast
I want to enjoy the process
Having fun is my priority
What would you like to focus on in your jump practice?
Increasing speed of rotation
Improving the take-off moment
Do you agree that the right training program can fully develop your jumping skills?
Yes, it could really help my jumps
Maybe, I should consider trying it
VSA will help achieve more in your jumps and overall performance
VSA has all the tools you need to become a better skater.
with VSA
without VSA
Choose your training location
Ice rink hall
How tall are you?
Calculating your body mass index