Make 10x Progress On Your Jumps And Spins

Become a better skater in just 4 weeks

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The perfect program tailored just for You
What is your skating goal?
Having a goal to aim towards helps you stay motivated
Improve jumps
Master spins
All of the above
How long have you been skating for?
Just started 1-4 years 4-6 years 6+ years
Are you a competitive skater?
What motivates you the most?
With the right motivation, you’re much more likely to reach your goals.
  • Progress & perfection
  • Winning
  • Personal best
  • Performance thrill
How often do you compete in a year?
Haven’t competed yet
1-3 times a year
3+ times a year
What is your jumping level?
Single jumps
Double Jumps
Double Axel
Triple Jumps
Do you have any specific areas of focus or weaknesses that you're currently working on improving?
How many push-ups can you do?
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Do you have a specific warm-up routine that you follow before each training session?
Do you do any other activities to stay active?
How many hours do you spend training each day?
Not on a daily basis
1-3 hour a day
3+ hours a day
Do you enjoy practicing off-ice (off-the-rink) as well, such as through ballet or strength training?
Not really
How do you feel between meals?
Please choose between 1 and 5. Where 1 is sleepy and 5 is energized
How much sleep do you get a night, on average?
Fewer than 5 hours
Between 5 and 6 hours
Between 7 and 8 hours
Over 8 hours
How much cups of water do you drink throughout the day?
Do you have a personalized training plan for off-ice practice?
VSA will help achieve more in your jumps and overall performance
VSA has all the tools you need to become a better skater.
with VSA
without VSA
Choose your training location
Ice rink hall
When do you prefer to work out?
At different times
How tall are you?
Calculating your body mass index
What is your current weight?
Calculating your body mass
Ready to take your jumps to the next level?
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